Crafty Packaging

Hello craftlings,

Hope you’re all doing ok and sending love, especially if you’re not.

You might be thinking, wow, I am in for one exciting post today with a title like “Crafty Packaging”! I wish I could say you were in for a groundbreaking read today, you aren’t. BUT this is important. How my products are packaged is very important to me, and somewhat personal.


I’m not sure that many people would have their dad provide the newspapers that go into their deliveries, but I do! Thank heavens that Neil continues to read the telegraph is all I can say ;) Every lampshade is packaged up to keep the lampshade - or lampshades - as protected as possible. Often your new lampshade will arrive simply nestled in a newspaper nest, ready to be uncovered.

One step further, I try and reuse as many cardboard boxes as possible. Enter another family member: my Grandpa! Every time he has a Cook food order he saves the box for me! Love him. For me, as long as it is a double walled cardboard box, it will perform just fine - I’ll never compromise on the safety of the lampshades that I’m posting, but I will try and do my bit for the environment. All other cardboard boxes I buy from a UK supplier.


I try where possible NOT to use plastic within my packaging but sometimes it’s unavoidable. I use cellophane to protect the lampshade, particularly from the potential transfer of ink from the newspaper, but that is the only plastic packaging that I purchase. I do, however, reuse plastic packaging that I am sent - so if I am sent some bubble wrap, I think it’s better to reuse than to throw out! I hope then that my lovely customer can always use further.

I try and take as much care as I can in packaging my products. Sometimes, damages in transit happen which are outside of my control. Unfortunately, given the delicate nature of lampshades, no courier/carrier will protect them against damage! In the unlikely event that happens I will always work to replace any damaged lampshades.


So there it is! Not earth-shattering, but nevertheless very important.